I requested a Google Wave invitation just now. Here is the message I sent the Google team:
Dear Google Wave gatekeepers,
I'm a reference librarian and as such I am ALWAYS looking for ways to help college students understand the Web-based research process for credible materials on the free Web and in the library subscription databases.
Google wave will let me work with them in a way that they are already familiar with by incorporating multimedia in a collaborative environment. I anticipate that Google Wave will also go a long way toward the development of a for-credit college course in Information literacy, scholarly communication and information architecture both as a development tool for the library faculty involved in the project and as an educational tool. I can't wait to try it out and start our conversation!
Steve Brantley
Reference Librarian
Assistant Professor
Daley Library
University of Illinois at Chicago
-Go UIC Flames!
If you aren't sure what I'm talking about, there are lots of informative posts and videos about the new project. Here is the official one: wave.google.com