Thursday, September 25, 2008

iPhone Document Scanner - buy custom personalized products from Ponoko

Hello, and thanks for visiting my showroom!

When I got my iPhone last year I loved having everything important in one place, and the ability to get rid of unnecessary devices, documents and info...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

e-paper, haptics, and visor displays

Nature News has a special issue out on "Big Data," Nature 455, 8-9 (2008) | doi:10.1038/455008a .

The following quote comes from the article "Big data: The next Google." "When you start to combine visor graphics with more accurate global-positioning data, as will be provided by the European Galileo satellites, you can overlay online information onto the world around you. So as you're walking down a busy city street you will be able to see reviews of shops and restaurants, adverts for services, other people who have similar interests to you, or whatever.

When you are wearing a visor your surroundings can have a completely different appearance: a burger restaurant can look like a giant burger without flouting planning laws. You could be seen as your Second Life virtual avatar. Or Johnny Depp, or Claudia Schiffer. You get the best of both worlds."

--Ian Pearson Futurizon consultancy, Ipswich, UK

Monday, February 25, 2008

I learned about this site via my Make magazine. By the way Make is an awesome magazine for the tinkerer in all of us. Ponoko is a bunch of things, but at its most basic, it is a way to have your own personal manufacturing plant! This is from their about page:

Create, make and trade your product ideas

The post-industrial revolution is changing the way products are created, traded and distributed. Now everyone can engage in the manufacturing process through their PCs - bringing personal manufacturing of individualized products to the masses. the big idea. Ponoko is the world's first personal manufacturing platform. It's the online space for a community of creators and consumers to use a global network of digital manufacturing hardware to co-create, make and trade individualized product ideas on demand. The marketplace connects creators, consumers, digital manufacturing hardware and service providers to promote, make and trade products on Ponoko and social networking websites.

That is cool